Monday, 31 October 2011

Lose Up to 25 Pounds In Just 6 Weeks

Prevention Special Diabetes Report
The Breakthrough Diabetes Tescue Diet!
Dear Friend,

We've already seen it happen!

The people who first tried our plan lost so much weight in just a few weeks that those on diabetes medication were ordered by their physicians to lower their dosages immediately!

Created by a team of diabetes specialists, the new diet they followed actually targets belly fat to be lost first (and quickly). Since this fat is the number-one direct cause of type 2 diabetes, The Diabetes DTOUR Diet offers anyone concerned about this epidemic disease a new lease on a healthier life!

Lose up to 25 pounds in 6 weeks!

Eat great as pounds and inches melt away!
Escape from the leading direct cause of diabetes — heart disease, too!

Eat great food — even pancakes and ice cream — and never go hungry!

Tell Me More, and how I can try it here!
Doctors discover how you can Reverse Early Diabetes...injust 1 week!
Sound unbelievable? Medical researchers at one of our largest and best-known universities don't think so!

Working with a group of people who were all running high blood sugars but not yet diagnosed with diabetes, they found that a lifestyle-change program made symptoms of early diabetes disappear — in 7 days!

Learn how this is accomplished in your FREE-preview copy of The Diabetes DTOUR Diet. CLICK HERE for more info and your own FREE TRIAL!
Imagine a diet so health-powerful, it lowered Randy's blood sugar 182 points - in just 6 weeks!

If you're thinking a diet that strong is maybe too strict for you, quit worrying!

First of all, you'll probably eat more often than you do now, so you'll never get hungry. And your menu will include many of your favorite foods, from pork roast and cheeseburgers to pizza and pasta!

It's not extreme in any way — at every meal and snack you'll eat delicious foods that both speed weight loss and help reverse diabetes!

Discover how to get a no-risk FREE TRIAL of the diet Randy followed HERE! There's nothing to lose but pounds, inches — and possibly injections!

Read about volunteers who lost weight!
Our 8 volunteers — all overweight and worried about diabetes — lost 127 pounds collectively in the first 6 weeks while following The Diabetes DTOUR Diet! And an amazing total of 40 inches off their waists! (As measured by an RN!)

They were so thrilled with the results they experienced, their most common comment was, "This has given me my life back!"

"It's amazing how good I feel. I have more energy. I don't get those up-and-down swings."
—Therese C.

"I lost 5 pounds the first week. By the end of the second week, I lost 14 pounds. Before DTOUR I was taking eight pills a day. Now I take two, and according to this morning's test, even that may be too much!"
—Thomas C.

Learn more about how they did it FREE for 21 days in The Diabetes DTOUR Diet.
Yours in good health,

Kelly Jennings
Prevention Books

P.S. Just for examining The Diabetes DTOUR Diet, you'll receive these 3 absolutely FREE gifts, packed with great recipes, tips, and more!

3 FREE Gifts
Click here!
Try The Diabetes DTOUR Diet FREE .for 21 days! No obligation to purchase anything, ever! CLICK HERE
Try The Diabetes DTOUR Diet FREE .for 21 days! No obligation to purchase anything, ever! CLICK HERE
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© 2010 Rodale Inc., all rights reserved

The World's Simplest Diet

Don't Diet! Follow the Ultimate No-Diet Diet Instead
Bikini Ready without Sacrifice
Dear Friend,

Why diet and make yourself miserable? If you're like most people, eventually you'll go off the diet and gain the weight back. There is a better way.

With Eat This, Not That! people all around the world have discovered how to make smart food swaps to save incredible amounts of calories at home, at the supermarket, and at their favorite restaurants.

Now it's your turn to make Eat This, Not That! a part of your everyday life to lose weight easier than ever. The amazing food swaps used in Eat This, Not That! have become the foundation for a remarkable weight loss program you can follow to lose all the weight you want without giving up your favorite foods or restaurants! It's The Eat This, Not That! No-Diet Diet! Click here to Try it for yourself, FREE for 21 Days!

Eat This Not That Lose Weight Without Hunger
You'll enjoy 3 satisfying meals plus 3 enjoyable snacks every day. You'll never be hungry on this program!
Eat This Not That Indulge in all Your Favorite Foods
You can indulge in all your favorite foods, including burgers, pizza, and even ice cream. What other diet allows you to do this?
Eat This Not That Rev Up Your Metabolism to Burn Fat Like Crazy
By eating more frequently, your body will constantly be in "fat-burning mode." Plus, you'll discover how to maximize fat burning by making smart food choices that help increase this natural process.
Eat This Not That Eat This Not That
Lose Weight at Home ... at the Supermarket ...and at Your Favorite Restaurants!
These ingenious food swaps work when you cook meals at home … when you're shopping for prepared meals at the grocery store … and at all your favorite restaurants! Imagine going out for steak, pizza, even fast food – and saving hundreds of calories at every single meal. That's how Eat This, Not That! has helped people lose 40, 50, even 60 pounds or more! Now it can do the same for you – with The Eat This, Not That! No-Diet Diet!
Eat This Not That
  The Eat This, Not That! No-Diet Diet is not a diet that you follow for a time and then go off. It's an improved way of eating — a smarter, more informed way of eating — that allows you to enjoy food without sacrifice while making better food decisions. You'll know exactly what's in the food you're eating and discover the simple substitutions that cut hundreds of calories (and dozens of fat grams) while still satisfying your taste and hunger!

Eat This Not That
  Unlike diets, you can stay on this program for life without any problem or complaint. That means you can lose weight and keep it off — easier and more effectively than on any diet you've ever tried before!

Act now to try The Eat This, Not That! No-Diet Diet for yourself — FREE for 21 days!
Chris Cunningham
Chris Cunningham
For Men's Health Books
Eat This Not That Eat This Not That Eat This Not That
Eat This Not That Outsmart Fat and Calories—without Sacrifice! Right now, there are hidden sources of fat and calories all around you, trying to make you fat! With The Eat This, Not That! No-Diet Diet, you'll know exactly what's in the food you eat—at home, at the supermarket, and at your favorite restaurants. Then, you can make smarter choices to keep all the taste but cut hundreds of calories at every meal! You'll cut your calories dramatically without any sacrifice, helping you lose up to 60 pounds (or more) and keep it off! Click here to start your FREE 21-Day Preview of The Eat This, Not That! No-Diet Diet! Eat This Not That
Eat This Not That
Eat This Not That Diet
Eat This Not That

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